Jeremiah 29:11 AMP
For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the LORD, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.
As believers in Christ, we have a future that far surpasses anything this world could offer. Our true future is not tied to this temporary, physical existence, but rather to the eternal home prepared for us in heaven with God. This world, in all its fleeting pleasures and pursuits, is not our final destination. Our time here is short—merely a brief moment in the grand timeline of eternity. The life we now live is a season of preparation, pointing us toward a future where there will be a new heaven and a new earth, where all things will be made new. This is our true future as children of God, recreated in Christ.
As those who have been reborn through the saving grace of Jesus, we are called to adopt a mindset that transcends the limitations of this earthly life. Our eyes are no longer fixed on the temporary, but on the eternal. In Christ, we overcome the world because our identity, our worth, and our purpose are not rooted in what this world offers. The world no longer holds sway over us, dictating our emotions, our security, or our sense of value. Instead, we are free—truly free—to live as God intended, unshackled from the fears and insecurities that govern so much of human life.
When we live with our hearts and minds set on eternity, we are liberated from the pressures and expectations that the world imposes. We are no longer consumed by what we don't have, by how we measure up in the eyes of others, or by the fleeting concerns of this life. Rather, we rest in the knowledge that we possess something far greater: the life of Christ within us. In Him, we have everything we need. We have access to all spiritual blessings, true life, and a relationship with God that transcends anything this world could offer. And because of this, we can live boldly, triumphantly, and fully, knowing that our future is secure in Him.
Letting go of this world's temporary offerings is not a loss—it is the greatest gain. When we release our grip on what this world says is important, we open ourselves to the freedom found in Christ. In letting go, we allow ourselves to live from an eternal perspective, a perspective that empowers us to navigate this life with wisdom and understanding. We are no longer bound by the transient nature of this world, which clouds our vision and distorts our priorities. Instead, we see clearly—through the lens of eternity—the true worth of our lives as children of God.
This eternal perspective changes everything. When our identity is rooted in Christ, the shifting circumstances of life no longer dictate our emotions or determine our sense of self-worth. Whether we experience success or failure by the world's standards, our worth remains unshaken because it is anchored in God. And unlike the world, which is constantly shifting, God is unchanging, faithful, and true. His promises for our future are secure, and we can have full confidence in Him.
Imagine the peace and freedom that come from fixing our hearts on eternity. When we set our minds on things above—on God's promises and our future with Him—fear, anxiety, and worry lose their grip on us. We are no longer trapped by the world's standards of success, security, or significance. Instead, we are free to be who God created us to be: a light to the world. Jesus Himself said that a city set on a hill cannot be hidden (Matthew 5:14). This is what happens when we live with eternity in view—we shine brightly for all to see.
Living in this way transforms us. It is impossible to set our minds on God and remain unchanged. When we see ourselves as God sees us—beloved, redeemed, and destined for eternity with Him—we begin to live differently. We stop striving for what the world tells us we need and start living out the abundant life that Christ has already given us. This transformation is the work of God in us, and it is a testimony to the power of His grace.
To live with an eternal perspective is to be free. Free from the limitations of this world and its passing concerns. Free to live fully, joyfully, and fearlessly in Christ. If we could truly grasp the weight of the promise we have in Him, nothing in this world would have the power to hold us back. The things that once seemed so important would pale in comparison to the richness of life in Christ.
This world is not our home. Everything we see around us will one day pass away. We cannot take the things of this world with us into eternity, and yet, so often, we cling to them as if they were everything. But in reality, what matters most is not the here and now, but the eternal and everlasting future we have with God. Our true treasure is in heaven, and our hearts should be set there as well.
As we walk this earth, let us do so with our eyes fixed on the eternal. Let us not be consumed by the temporary, but instead, let us live in the fullness of the life we have been given in Christ. Our future is secure, our hope is certain, and our identity is rooted in the unshakable love of God. We have been recreated in Him, and our future is bright—brighter than anything this world could ever offer.
When we live with eternity in view, we are free. Free to be the light God has made us. Free to live fully, without fear or anxiety. Free to walk in the joy and peace that come from knowing our future is secure in Christ. So let us fix our minds and hearts on the eternal, allowing God to transform us as we live out our days here on earth, preparing for the glorious future that awaits us in Him.