Romans 1:19-20 AMP
"That which is known about God is evident within them in their inner consciousness, for God made it evident to them. For ever since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through His workmanship all His creation, the wonderful things that He has made, so that they who fail to believe and trust in Him are without excuse and without defense."
When we as believers reflect on God's wonderful creation we are struck with acknowledging the undeniable impossibility of life originating in any way other than by His mighty hands. That the creation of the heavens, the earth, and the sea, and all that is in them was not a matter of chance or an evolutionary process, but through His grand design and purposeful act. That it is God alone who breaths life and who sustains life. Seeing the evidence of God in His creation is not just for unbelievers that they might see and believe, but for us as well. That as we consider the beauty and magnificence in all He has made and His wondrous care in sustaining life, we may in all respects grasp that we can indeed believe and trust Him in all things.
Each one of us no matter what we may believe to be the source of life can agree that what we see all around us, this earth of ours and all that lives within is beyond majestic. No one will argue that it is beyond comprehension. That all 8.7 plus million species of living organisms are a masterwork of complexity and perfection. We humans in all our vast wisdom, understanding, and knowledge have yet to be able to replicate even the simplest of life forms, nothing we have created has ever matched what His hands have made. In saying that life was formed in a way other than by the hand of God we are making the assumption that all life learned within itself to create, replicate and sustain itself. Evolution has not even scratched its own surface of how that came about, having no recollection within us of how we and nature pieced ourselves together.
Those looking at the origin of life as happenstance and not an act of creation, conclude that life began with the simplest of life forms, the single-cell organism. Although a single-cell organism is microscopic in size, we cannot for that fact consider it inconsequential. We cannot accept the belief in its evolved existence when in fact no life existed before the life of that organism. Indeed— nothing comes from nothing. Size is relative, complexity is what is important. It has been said that the happenstance of a single-cell is like taking a 747 jumbo jet apart and shaking it up in a bag for billions of years and it comes out fully operational and able to fly. Think of the impossibility of that happening even once, let alone in the case of all species of living organisms.
A single-cell organism has up to thousands of distinct physical and biochemical functions with up to millions of biochemical processes occurring each second. In contrast the human body has billions of distinct physical and biochemical functions with quadrillions of biochemical processes occurring each second and the interplay of each flawlessly working together sustaining life. Each has a before and after function. An example for us as humans is eating and breathing. Which came first? Well, we have to look at a third function that of the epiglottis and the roll it plays. The epiglottis is a flap-like structure of cartilage which covers the windpipe allowing food and liquid into the esophagus to avoid choking. Without all three in place and fully functioning, not over a span of time but at a singular point in time, you would either starve to death, suffocate to death or choke to death.
In evolution it would be impossible to find a starting point wherein one function develops at any level apart from another. An organism in development would be in a state of underdevelopment during which it could not function nor have the ability to evolve. Every function has a purpose but no function exists alone or can develop separate and apart from another. It is undeniable that life could not have maintained itself over an extended period of billions of years but would have to have been created with all parts fully functioning in unison.
We could go on speaking of the innumerable examples of the impossibility of life existing without God that we find in the living organisms of this earth. For example the caterpillar who sheds its skin, all its unique bodily functions said to have evolved over billions of years including locomotion, eating, vision etc. and revealing itself as a chrysalis. Within this chrysalis its body is broken down into a liquid substance from which a butterfly is formed. The butterfly emerges after days or weeks with the ability to fly, all the functions of locomotion, eating, and vision etc. changed. If we look at it from an evolutionary standpoint the caterpillar once having learned to shed its own skin would immediately have died without the ability to continue evolving. The blueprint for the butterfly is within the caterpillar when created. A living organism cannot evolve with the expectation of later becoming something completely different. The two life forms cannot evolve together, the caterpillar, and within, the butterfly to be. Life did not will itself into existence, designed and created by the living organism.
What about God's sustaining power continuously at work in all of life. The fact that life was maintained as the caterpillar went through the process of shedding its skin, liquifying, transforming, and emerging as a butterfly able to fly. Or the fact that our hearts beat unassisted. Or that all the functions of our bodies continue without our input. All quadrillions upon quadrillions of functions occurring in all life on earth every second of every day unaided and unyielding. The scripture says in (Acts 17:28 AMP) "For in Him we live and move and exist that is, in Him we actually have our being." The scriptures also say in (Colossians 1:17 AMP) "He Himself existed and is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. His is the controlling, cohesive force of the universe." The world goes about life without giving the slightest thought to the sustaining power and cohesive force of God holding all life together. He is the creator and sustainer having been continually at work from the beginning of time.
God has gone far beyond what is seen. He has done and is doing for us so much more than having created us and sustaining our lives. Through His Son He has given us new life. He has washed us clean from sin and guilt, setting us free from what had for all time enslaved us. From all we were unable to free ourselves from. We are reborn, recreated, made new, blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms so that we may have a dynamic spiritual life. (2 Peter 1:3 AMP) "For His divine power has bestowed on us absolutely everything necessary for a dynamic spiritual life and godliness, through true and personal knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence." If His creation is magnificent and beyond compare, how much more the spiritual life He came to give us, which we now possess? What Christ has brought to us, to be filled with and fully experience far exceeds all. Jesus said, what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits his soul. What He is telling us, is that what He came to give us, who we are in Him far exceeds all the treasures of this world.
We have so much which surrounds us, His creation; which fills us, His Holy Spirit, that speak of the awesome God He is and display His power of faithfulness. We can indeed believe and trust in Him with all our heart. He has made it abundantly clear that we can look to Him in all things. Let us desire what He desires. Setting our hearts on things above in order to fully experience all He has prepared for us in Christ.
Slow down, stop, observe the beauty in His creation, for He Himself is Beautiful. Be filled with wonder and amazement. God is the God of the minute details, sustaining all of life's intricacies both physically and spiritually. Everything is taken care of and watched over by His loving hands.
If you haven't yet reached out to God, reach out to Him. As it says, if you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. Fill yourself with Him. Acknowledge His truth. As believers and unbelievers we are all directed to draw closer to Him through His Son Jesus Christ. He is the only way, the only one who holds life, true life in His hands, both physically, and spiritually.